My field of research is in Natural Language Processing (NLP) — a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence — and the goal of NLP is to develop computational models to understand human languages. There are a host of NLP applications that are commonly used in our everyday lives: machine translation (e.g. Google Translate) and chatbot (e.g. Siri) are two examples. My research is characterised by a diverse flavour of applications, but they are connected by my passion for language modelling, such as discovering topics from document collections, understanding the nature of grammar knowledge, analysing the conversation dynamics of online misinformation, and writing poetry or stories. Some of my research has a broader community interest beyond academia — e.g. my work in text generation and influence operations has been covered by science magazines (New Scientist) and mainstream news media (Guardian and BBC).

Affiliations: The University of Melbourne’s NLP Group and Information and Influence Hub.

Prospective Students

  • If your query is related PhD supervision, it would help to: (1) have a look over my publications to identify areas of overlapping interests; and (2) send a thoughtful research proposal to suggest potential projects. As a student I don’t expect that you have a perfect understanding of the gaps in the field and can identify research questions that fit the scope of a PhD, but the proposal would serve to kickstart a discussion about potential project ideas.
  • If your query is about internship, please note that I do not take interns (and so any queries of this nature would not receive a response).
